Reward Cycles

This is how Stacks cycles are often displayed. So, naturally, many people think a Stacks cycle has its prepare phase at the front (also called the burn phase sometimes). Careful, that’s only partially correct.

Here’s a better mental model of a cycle. The important difference is that prepare phases are actually at the end of a cycle—and they “prepare” the upcoming cycle. It turns out, this isn’t the full picture either.

More precisely, the prepare-phase is sort of shifted to the right by one. The first block of the prepare-phase is one later than you might expect, given a prepare phase length. Also, the first (index 0) block of a cycle is still technically in the prepare-phase and does not have rewards.

That means, to make your stacking txs count towards the next cycle, make sure they are submitted before the pox-anchor block (first block of the prepare phase). The state from that block will be used for determining reward slots for the next cycle.

General Notes

Some facts upfront

  • /v2/pox .current_burnchain_block_height refers to the last mined BTC block height. The content of this block is “already on the blockchain”

*For simplicity we assume the following lengths in examples (taken from the regtest environment)

  • reward cycle length = 20
  • reward phase length = 15
  • prepare phase length = 5
  • so, an index can fall on modulo % 20 i.e. index 0-19

Prepare phase

  • The first block “in the prepare phase” determines the stacking-state used for the upcoming reward cycle. The block is called the pox-anchor-block and the stacks-block event includes the reward_set for the upcoming cycle.
  • If/until the node/API respond with a .next_cycle.blocks_until_prepare_phase >= 0 you can still get your stacking order into the next cycle. Once it goes negative, the reward slots are set.

Off-by-one weirdness

  • The prepare phase is shifted to the right by one and overlaps “into the next cycle” according to the core code.
    • Blocks index 1-15 are the reward phase
    • Blocks index 16-19 AND 0 are the prepare phase
    • Block index 16 determines the stacking state
      • If we stack at current_burn_height == 15 we can still get our stacking-txs into the next block (16)
  • Funds are unlocked once we hit unlock_height + 1
    • If current_burn_height == unlock_height funds are still locked

More pox-4 quirks

The reward-cycle argument for stacking functions refers to different cycles. It should be:

  • the current cycle for normal stacking
  • the next/target cycle for delegation commits

Method Notes


  • Meant for solo-stackers
  • The signer-key can’t be changed for the amount of cycles given
  • params
    • start-burn-ht should be the current burn height
    • signature
      • cycle refers to current cycle
      • period refers to the lock period (in cycles)


  • Can “increase” the amount stacked for a stack
  • Needs to use the same signer-key as the stack
  • params
    • signature
      • cycle refers to current cycle
      • period needs to be the same as the original cycles


  • Can “extend” stacking without a cooldown
  • This creates new entries, so we can use a new/different signer-key
  • params
    • signature
      • cycle refers to current cycle
      • period is the extend-by period


  • params
    • signature
      • cycle refers to target cycle


  • params
    • signature
      • cycle refers to target cycle